Christian Robert Carrier was born on July 9th, 2013 at 9:31p.m. He was 20.5 in long and 7 pounds 15 oz. He is beautiful. Here are some pictures of our little guy.
That's one proud daddy!
This was his first picture with his eyes open. Right after I gave birth.
And of course the sleeping pictures ... I just can't resist. Love these cheeks.
Well, here is how it happened. By "it" I mean his birth. Haha. On July 8th we checked in at the hospital at 10p.m. Ugh. I. Know. Chris and I had this brilliant idea to stay awake the night before so we could sleep all day up until we had to head to the hospital. It wasn't so brilliant. We were way to happy. They had me change into their gorgeous gown and I flopped into the bed. I still was only dilating at .5 which is nothing. There are woman walking around at that for weeks before they go into labor. The nurse decided the cervidil was my best option and put me on that until 6a.m. I was dilating at a 1 now. Chris and I didn't sleep a wink that night. We both were way to tired and excited to sleep. I ate breakfast and walked around until 8a.m., and then they started the pitocin drip. They had it dripping at a 2 for a little while and I started having contractions. By about 3ish maybe 4p.m., I was at a 3.5. Let me tell you though they kept increasing the dosage and by then it was dripping at a 24. Ugh. It was awful. I was having heavy heavy contractions. They gave me two rounds of pain medication because I wasn't far enough for the epidural. My nurse kept moving me from side to side, onto my back, then onto the other side and NOTHING would stop the pain. Well, duh! Around 6p.m. my current nurse (who was my favorite) came in and said she wasn't comfortable with my pain level. During each contraction I would stop breathing because I was in so much pain, which isn't good for the baby. She stretched me to a 4.5. Within two minutes the anesthesiologist came in and gave me the epidural. Ahhhh!!!! I was given oxygen for a little while and tried to sleep. That didn't happen. By 8:30p.m. I was pushing and he was born at 9:31p.m. AMAZING. Chris held one leg, Shelly (Chris's mom) held the other and the nurse coached me on pushing. My best friend Jennifer was on my right side taking pictures, and Missy was on the left probably throwing up from disgust. Haha. It was a long two days but totally worth it.
My sis-in-law Lish always told me throughout the pregnancy to enjoy being pregnant and as much as you can enjoy the birth. I didn't. The whole time I whined and cried. Well now, I don't remember hardly anything, and that makes me sad. I wish I would have embraced it more. But I was miserable.
Here are a couple pictures as examples of how LARGE I was:
This was a couple weeks before his birth.
And this was my sisters wedding on June 15th.
Honestly though all I can say is enjoy that part. The endless nights don't even compare to when he arrived.
I wouldn't change any of it either. He is so beautiful. Inside and out. He makes me smile everyday. He brought Chris and I closer than we ever were before. Seeing him give Christian butterfly kisses melts my heart every time. HE is the best daddy. I couldn't love anything or anyone as much and I love these two guys in my life. Nothing is better than family ...